Ask questions inside the Smart Chef app Got a question needs anwering? Simply press the on help button for live chat assistance at anytime. Make sure to update your app, this service will be enable in our next app release
Reset your Bluetooth Smart Food Scale
A simple way to reset your Bluetooth Smart Food Scale Inside of the Smart Chef Smart Food Scale contains a mini computer and may require a hard reset occasionally. To reset the Smart Food Scale, use a paper clip, slowly
Smart Eating Everyday Anywhere

Beautifully Designed Smart Food Scale – Slim, Light & Strong Weighing food for portion control is a proven method for moderating and preventing nutrition related chronic diseases, but the process is rather Tedious. The Smart Chef Pocket Smart Food Scale
Smart Eating with SmartPoints
Using a bluetooth smart food scale with Weight Watchers Online program The Weight Watchers Online account login is now added in the Smart Chef app. Upon login, users will be able to access Weight Watchers food database via keyword/barcode search